14 Mart 2008 Cuma

a nice application

hi friends i want to share sth that i got surprised very much. last week i saw that they have a fruit hour and the students are to eat fruit of the day. last week we also participated that program and it was the apple hour. our mentor teacher and we ate some apple, too. and i saw that the students who would not like to eat fruit are required to get permission from the teacher. for example there were two students and one is suffering from stomchache and the other is suffering from toothache and they explained their excuse and they were the only ones who doesn t eat that day. as we all know fruit is very important for health and however the school seems placing importance upon freedom, they don t let students free about critical issues such as health.
they have to take care of their health.

2 yorum:

zeliha dedi ki...

implementing such a program is really effective, the school seems to be thinking of everything the students should have at that age. making the students attend the fruit hour is also very effective, or else they may not eat and get the necessary vitamins. as they are at the school for nearly the whole day, it is thoughtfulness of the authority to do such an activity. thanks for informing us :)

Sibel Korkmazgil dedi ki...


Thanks for sharing :) the application you mentioned has inspired one of my friends, an English teacher in a state school. She called me a few days ago and told me that she would talk with the director to initiate such a program at their school.

"Isn't that a butterfly effect?" :)) A reflection a preservice teacher - a new blogger mentions on his blog may make a difference to many people. This is the power of sharing, isn't it?

Keep sharing and blogging,

Looking forward to your new posts and comments, Mehmet,

Best regards,